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Tuesday, March 21, 2006 

Baby steps

What am I supposed to be like as a Christian? Am I supposed to separate myself from all form of life as a means of staying holy? Am I supposed become friends with people that are in the post-Christian culture in an attempt to show them Jesus? Should I wait for them to come to me? This is just the beginning of a journey of walking through the cross current where Jesus meets culture. It's the collision of two value systems. Two kingdoms. One seems right and is easy; the other is right but looks backwards and almost impossible. In some ways it is impossible...apart from the intervention of God. Some of the lines seem fuzzy to me and yet it seems that this is how it is supposed to be. It's an adventure. It's a risk. It scares the snot out of me! The stakes are high. The possibility of failure looms in the distance. The possibility of this being the right thing makes my blood pound through my veins. The voice of my creator takes my breath away as my world is rocked to pieces. This is the journey I'm on. This is the journey you are on. I think it's time to take the first step.

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