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Thursday, April 06, 2006 

The first step

So...I've taken the first step. September 24, 2006 APA is starting a new church called The CrossCurrent. This is a dream that God birthed in my about a month ago and it has consumed me like a wildfire -- almost to the point of obsession. I've been try my hardest to process everything with a head that is level and been checking myself to see if this is a venture that is birthed out of pride or rebellion. Everyday I wake up and ask God to stop this thing in it's tracks if it's not from him. So far--that hasn't happened.

Last night I met with the board of APA. There were six out of seven members of the board present. Out of those six, all of them gave me their blessing to move ahead with the dream. In two weeks we are going to discuss what this could look like in terms of finances. I informed them that I'm not concerned about the money. I sure would love to be able to put food on my table without having to work 3 jobs and try and start a church, but I'm willing to do it if it means me being obedient to God.

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