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Saturday, April 15, 2006 

Getting antsy

I find I've been getting a little antsy lately. I've got all of these dreams pent up inside of me and yet I can't get people on board yet. We announce the church plant tomorrow (Easter) in church. Once that happens I intend on having a core team introduction on April 29. After that meeting I'm hoping to secure people to be on the team so we can get the wheels in motion. Until there are people in place to start making dreams reality, that all they are...dreams.

I've also got to be thinking about the finances of this church as well. For some reason I feel at total peace with the fact that we have 5 months to come up with $75,000. I just really believe that God controls money and that he can influence someone to let go of it. It's just a matter of getting the dream public and finding the people with the pockets. It's hard for some people to hear that I don't have all the money lined up and I wish I could come up with some answer that would help them relax. But I think that the uncertainty of it is all a part of the adventure and a lesson in learning how to rely on God instead of Dan.

Anyways, I'm sure there are going to be questions galore in the next few days...guess I should find some answers.

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