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Thursday, November 02, 2006 

Dream Huge!

We had a leadership meeting on Monday night and I capped it off with challenging everyone to dream huge. Sometimes it is so hard to get past the roadblocks in our mind like Finances, resources and reality. And yet, if we don't dream we will always stay right where we are.

A few months ago I was at the gym and got this thought. I don't know if it was God or just common sense (sometimes this eludes me) but the thought was "You're not ready!" And I thought another thought (or responded to God) "You're right!"

Here's the backstory of why I think it could have been God. For the last 3 years I've felt God saying to me "Get ready!" over and over and I thought it had to do with the youth ministry I was leading and then I thought it had to do with the new young adults ministry I was leading. And then I remembered.

In January of 2005, the intern working with me had a dream/vision about me. He saw me standing on a little island in the middle of a raging river (is it a coincidence our church is named The CrossCurrent). On all sides of the banks of this river were doors. He said I've wanted to get off the island but it isn't happening yet. He said "God wants you to know that the first door is about to open" Holy Smokes!

So is the church coincidence or is it a dream of God that he's been birthing for quite a while. Is it possible that those 'Get Ready's' were actually prepping me for this church?

So back to a few months ago. I came home from the gym and started to reverse engineer the church to 1000 people. It's a dream. It requires a lot of money. It includes a strip mall in Mission that is impossible for us to get unless God steps in and makes it happen. It includes multiple campuses in Mission that is an absolutely daunting task and seems impossible without God.

But without the dream, we have nothing to work towards. If we don't dream, Upstream Kids never passes what it is right now. If we don't dream, the worship ministry will never grow to the point of giving us the resources to start up other campuses.

This dream in me is so huge is scares me sometimes. But the fact is that the impossible invites God into the equation. If something is possible for me to do, where is God needed? It's when we face impossible odds (like getting this church even started) when God can step in, do his thing and get all the glory because it sure as heck wasn't the oafs running around trying to be cool. It was God. It will be God. Always.

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