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Tuesday, October 31, 2006 

The new front door

I think that the "real" front door is still extremely important. What a person feels when they walk the door is going to determine the rest of their experience. So we have tried to be ourselves with guests and be as friendly as we are with our best friends. So far, so good. We've had endless comments on how friendly we are and that's the culture we want to have. At the same time, there is a new front door

Websites have been around for long enough that it's easy to tell a good one from a bad one. And in my opinion, going to a church website that sucks is the same as walking through the front door of a church and having a grouchy person greet you(I've had this enough to never want it to happen again). And yet, hacked church sites abound! I'm not sure why this is. Maybe it's because we think it's simply the dissemination of information that people want to know or they simply don't care enough to put the money in that is required. To me, the website is HUGE! And that's why we're investing money into our newly redesigned site. The one we have right now is okay but it still doesn't communicate who we are. With the one we're having made I think someone could look at the site and then walk into the theatre on Sunday morning and get the same vibe in both locations.

We want to communicate who we are, not just what we do. It's hard to tell someone who you are. Most times who you are is something that's seen and felt. I believe that if someone was to come to our Sunday morning gathering, they would be stoked the whole time up. I think the experience will stick with them through the week. That's what we want from our site, people getting stoked up enough to want to check our faith community out in "real life".

Just a few more weeks and it will be unveiled. The guys over at Emerging Productions are working furiously to get it finished for us by our launch in January.

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