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Tuesday, January 16, 2007 

Into the deep end

If Sunday defines our faith we're really screwed. It's gotta go way deeper than that. How this happens I'm not sure.

I'm not a huge fan of the typical small group structure where everyone is told that they have study the same thing. The is just so rigid and stuck for my liking. I'm dreaming of something far more organic but it's so hard to see organic because it's something that just happens.

We've called these sub communities UnderCurrents because they are going to be the life blood of the church...to the point that if we were ever to decide to, or need to, shut down Sundays, our faith community wouldn't just survive...it would thrive. At this point, I don't really have a plan. I know that's pretty lame when I'm the lead pastor and should have all the answers...but I don't. At this point, we are going to have a little shin-dig at my house sometime in the beginning of March for anyone that's interested in getting in on this movement. Here are some of my dreams for what it could look like:

  • They can happen anywhere, anytime. Coffee Shops, work, the mall, homes, etc.
  • They encourage the people in them to live out their faith in a very real and practical way.
  • Those in them see themselves as missionaries to their neighborhoods and cities. They have their eyes open to what is going on around them and are actively thinking of ways they can step in and serve
  • They always stay outward focused. The danger of small groups is that they can quickly become little "get fat" clubs...where the people in them are at church on Sunday as well and they just keep taking and taking and there is never anything that is given
  • They will live out our core values which leads to the fulfillment of our vision which causes our mission to happen naturally.
  • They will be very broad in what they are about. They could be affinity, age group, life stage, service, sports, etc....
  • They are where people can let their guard down and be themselves.
  • Jesus is central to every undercurrent and we are always moving towards who he originally intended for us to be. It just may not happen the way that it traditionally has in the past.
There's more but it's just coming to me right now. Hopefully you get the idea. I'm still processing everything so this might seem kind of random and way out in left field...that's because it is. Just start thinking about how you might see yourself getting involved and let's make this dream a reality

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