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Monday, March 05, 2007 

Sunday Re:Wind<<

I feel so good today. I'm not too sure why either. It's pouring rain out and nothing crazy has happened to make me feel this way. The only thing I can attribute it too is seeing the response of the people yesterday. Yes, I know, I'm not supposed to base whether or not something was a success by visible response but whatever, I'm human.

First off, this was the second week that we nailed our setup/take down without our Omega team. They have been an awesome help with getting us off the ground and they have tons of energy. However, it's been nice to see what we are capable of without them. It also gives others the opportunity to step up to the plate and pitch in, which they did. I'm so proud of our volunteers (especially the ones that show up at 7am to make the whole thing even possible!).

And then the band absolutely rocked the roof off. I couldn't believe it! This was our first Sunday using a mainstream song to back up our theme. They rocked out to "Dirty Little Secret" by the All American Rejects and for a three piece band they killed it. I'm super proud of those guys. I would put them up against any other church band any day of the week (not that it's a competition...I'm just proud of them) It's a tough go with the setup in the morning and yet they continue to show up, warm up and bring it. I mixed the sound again and I had fun. I don't really really know what I'm doing except the mixing so it's kind of a risk but I like the challenge.

Finally, I brought the message this week. Man I had fun...despite the fact that I talked my head off for 45mins. the beautiful for me was that no one complained how long it was. Next week we're gunning for an hour! This was our third week of our Naked Truth series and we talked about "Leaving the Sheets". As you can probably figure out, it was a blunt and straight forward discussion regarding not having sex with your neighbors wife/husband and enjoying the breast of your wife. You can hear the message audio here

All in all it was just a good time. We had tons of kids again in Upstream Kids.

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