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Saturday, February 24, 2007 

Memory lane...

I remember close to 1 year ago calling up Cineplex as my heart pounded a million miles a minute. This was the very beginning of the journey and the details hadn't even been thought out yet. It was just a dream and a huge one at that.

I thought that this would be too good to be true and I really thought it wouldn't work out. I figured that some other church would be in SilverCity Mission for sure. As I called them up I found out that no other church was renting it. I was overwhelmed. I had no idea what to do because we hadn't even gone to our church or the district with the proposal (there wasn't one yet!). I managed to strike up a deal that allowed us to put it on hold for a few weeks so I could gather my thoughts and figure out what our next move was gonna be. To top it off, the guy at the district I was supposed to talk to was on holidays, along with my Sr. Pastor so I was kind of caught in a really tough spot. Wait to start dreaming or just get it out and see where it goes...I chose the latter.

Later that afternoon I bombed out to the Junction and as soon as I got onto the property, I had an absolutely incredible feeling wash over me. I've never had something like this happen to me in this way before. It was just like God was screaming at me "This is it! This is it!" I immediately phoned up Bek and I said "I can't really describe this, but I think this is it!" I was ecstatic. I just knew that this was going to work out.

That seems like so much longer than a year ago. Despite the fact that we're only 6 weeks into this, it feels like we've been at it for years. (Even though we don't function like we've been doing it for years :) It's amazing how a God dream can cause you to believe for the impossible and if you were to step outside the whole experience you'd have a heart attack because of the absolute insanity of the whole thing. I never thought I would/could ever lead a church. I never really wanted to. God just completely rocked my world and now that dream that came a year ago is a reality and I honestly can't believe it. I'm so grateful that God uses us because of our weakness, not in spite of it. That way, in the end, he gets the credit. I'm glad I've got a plethora of weaknesses...God's getting a lot of credit for this one!

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