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Sunday, October 14, 2007 

One lucky guy

WARNING! Biased, one sided, pride filled post below.


I haven't blogged for around a week so I've got all this stuff coming out today...figured I'd just keep letting it rip.

Today I was just thinking about how much I have to be thankful for. At the very top of the list is my wife and kids.

I can't believe why I get to spend my life with the most amazing woman any man could have ever gotten to marry. I say this all the time - I'm not an easy person to live with. I'm grouchy in the morning (some would argue all the time - it's a matter of perspective :) and I can get really snappy when I'm hungry. And through all that, she remains calm and collected - firmly putting me in my place when I'm out of line.

She is a lead pastor's dream come true. I have purposely protected her from being to involved in TXC because I need her by my side. Starting and leading a church is something that a lot of people will never understand and to do it alone would be suicide. Sometimes it's just the simplest thing she can say that picks me up and brings a fresh perspective.

And on top of that, she is H-O-T. I can honestly say that she is more beautiful than the day we met. Call me prideful or whatever you want, but walking down the road, holding her hand, all I can think is "I'm the luckiest guy alive". She definitely makes me proud.

And then there's my kids. They are just so amazing. I haven't seen cuter kids - sorry everyone else in the world with kids :) Sure, they drive me nuts at the best of times, but they are a daddy's dream. I see both of them, playing on the floor together right now, and I can't help but think that they're not going to be in my house for much longer - even though they're only 3 and 1 right now. Time goes by so fast and I need to take advantage of every second I have with them.
On that note...I'm going to go play.

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