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Thursday, January 25, 2007 

Funny thing

As I talk with people about our church, I find it kind of funny how, when you preach Jesus, stuff happens. Honestly, if you were there, you would hear two things: A scatter brained speaker trying to communicate and Jesus. I mean, I'm not usually a hardcore Bible thumping preacher, but on Sunday, It was "Jesus, sin and repentance". Some pretty crazy hard stuff to swallow, especially for the people who aren't connected to Jesus. But it was those people who felt challenged to reexamine their faith.

From the beginning, I decided that I would preach Jesus. I've realized that I don't have any "keys for living" or any special persuasion powers to help people live the life they've always wanted. I may not preach as hardcore as I did on Sunday, but I will always point to Jesus. Our lives are so messed up if we aren't at least crawling in His direction. Don't crawl to me because I can guarantee you that you'll be let down. I'm pursuing Him and in need of Him just as much as the next person.

So it's not really a "postmodern" church growth method, but it's all I know how to do. I'm not interested in telling people that it's okay if they keep living the way that they are...cause Jesus loves them just the way that they are. I guess I would ask, then what's the point on following someone if you really don't want to follow them?

So Jesus it is...and I know it's the right direction for us to go

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