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Monday, March 26, 2007 

Sunday Re:Wind<<

Wow! that's really all I can say about yesterday. It was so nice (as is today) to have a break in the weather. For some reason this stretch of nasty weather has affected my mood in weird ways. This last week was brutal. But the sun was out and we were feeling good. As I stood at the front doors, I just kept seeing people walking up to the doors and I had no idea who they were. I thought possibly that they were confused as to when the movies started. But as they kept coming inside I was blown away by the fact that I hardly new anyone. The vibe was crazy in the lobby as people crowded around the coffee bar, fueling up for the gathering.

Inside we had gotten started already with about 4 people in the theatre. That seems to be the trend as people trail in a few minutes late. Sure enough, after the band played the newest song they wrote, hordes of people started trailing in. I actually laughed when I saw this massive line of people making their way to find a seat. We had to take down our barriers that block the upper sections so we had enough room. The band was crazy good and I felt like I was fairly coherent and my words made sense this week!:0D

The highlight for me was afterwards in the hall and lobby...No one went home! Most of everyone just stayed outside and talked. It was so loud that as I was having conversations with some of the guests I couldn't even hear what they were saying.

Quite honestly, I wasn't expecting this. We didn't advertise or have some special deal that if you invite someone you get a free trip are anything like that. What I think is happening is that as the weeks go on, people are getting more confident to invite their friends. One of the comments from a guest was "Finally, a church that isn't hokey..." I think that's just his take on things because I definitely don't think most of the other churches in the area are hokey and we definitely don't pride ourselves on that. However, it's nice to know that we aren't :0D

This week was just one more week added to the list of confirmations of God's dream coming to life. The fact that we had so many guests that don't go to church comment that they didn't think this was possible is just reassuring that what we have been listening to God as he leads us. The day that all of the Christians are happy and cozy in our little theatre and the guests are standing there scratching their heads out of confusion or alienation...is the day we close the doors to TXC.

We don't exist for ourselves! We exist for the world!

Live the mission wherever you find yourself today.

Where life is meant to be lived TXC online
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