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Friday, September 21, 2007 

God will answer...someday

Read this over on Jason Boucher's blog today:


Acts 2:16


Joel prophesied that "In the last days it shall be, God declares..." in approximately the ninth to sixth century. Then there is this moment, on the Day of Pentecost where it comes to pass. Luke wrote this in a letter to his friend Theophilus sometime in A.D. 62-64.

That is a l o n g time from spoken to realized.

Bottom Line: God keeps His word.


Similar to the other day - don't loose faith in the waiting process.


Father, I thank you that you are one who keeps His word - even though I may never see the fulfillment in my lifetime. Allow me to dream dreams that exceed the scope of my lifetime. Love, Jason"

I gotta be honest...and this is going to be reveal my evil dark side *shock!* I know this. I know that God keeps his word. I also know that God has spoken very clearly and loudly to me about what he wants to do in Mission. I may have people laugh and mock me when they hear that...."Mission?! Why there?" How do I know? I just know that this is where God has us and it's for something huge. But...what if.

What if...nothing happens in my life time. what if I'm merely a planter and not a harvester? What if I'm here for the next 50 years of my life and I see the city morph into what it will be at that time and I'm still the pastor of TXC (a very old and decrepit pastor that is). But what if this dream that God's put in my heart is for someone else to see come to being...after I die?

Here's the honesty part...my human side says that sucks big time! Because this dream is awesome...I mean it's earth shaking...it's life altering! And to go through my life not seeing that happen...that would just flat out suck.

But I know where that comes from. Part of it comes from my consumeristic mindset of wanting things now...when I want something I can get it in a relatively short period of time. Another part of it comes from me thinking that I'm god over my little universe. (I know...that's hard to believe that I would want to control things in my life...welcome to MY world!) I think that RIGHT NOW is the best time for God to show up. After all, there are lives weighing in the balance...they need him RIGHT NOW! But is this really about lives being changes or is this an egotistical pride based thing where the dream coming to life reflects how great I am and not God?

But here's reality...I'm not God and however much I try and remain in control...it's not really control. It's an illusion. (Ever noticed that you can never feel fully in control?) I'll never know if God is going to cause this dream to become a full reality in my lifetime (just the launch of TXC is the beginning of the dream!) but I can't sit around with that question in the back of my mind. I will live my life as if it is going to happen. I will give everything I've got to see people reconnected to Jesus!

And where it goes from there...that's up to the One who's REALLY in control.

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