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Sunday, April 01, 2007 

Sunday Re:Wind<<<

It looks like there may be a new wave of energy at TXC. Last week was an unusual spike everything and I wondered if it was just one of those "fluke" Sundays where everyone was just visiting at the same time. Dave made the comment that maybe it was the start of a new trend....that appears to be what it was. It's maybe a little obvious because it's easter and that is typically when people "come out to play" as it were but nonetheless, as a young church that is on a mission of connecting people to Jesus...it's a breath of fresh air each week when it happens.

I was really nervous today. Not because I had to speak or anything like that. But because I had no control. (yes...it's true...you can read multiple other posts about my desire for a script in front of me that tells me everything that's going on...I won't get into it today). We were attempting something new that was either destined to succeed or destined to fail. I hardly ever bring notes because I usually memorize what I'm saying...but today was different. I had no notes because there were none!

I read Matt.23 when Jesus had a good 'ol throw down with the Pharisees and then we had a discussion. I asked how are we like these Pharisees and how have we treated people in society the same way. How has the church made itself the gatekeeper for who "does or doesn't make it in" and thus make it impossible for anyone to want to come in...

This was where I was a little freaked. I like to think that I'm "progressive" and all that other lovely stuff but I'm pretty stiff and traditional deep down cause it makes me feel safe. I was pretty much worried about where the discussion would go and if I would have the ability to track with it. My issue is that I'm not a very quick thinker on my feet. When someone burns me...the comeback shows up about 5 hours later. So I was worried that I would be left saying "Okay...that's all I've got...see you next week!" But that never happened.

It seems that people DO have stuff to say. They aren't interested in just listening to someone yak on about things they already know. Maybe it was just all of the opinionated people talking but I think on the whole it gave the whole bunch the feeling like we all had a say in today's gathering. I loved it and hopefully it's the beginning of something with us.

I hope the point got across loud enough that I'm sick of playing games and that we won't be a "gatekeeper church" but that we will live in the cross current of where people live. The place where the kingdom of God is brought to the world. The place that chaotic at the best of times but it's the place where life is meant to be lived. And in a round about way I said that if that isn't cool with you...maybe it's time to find a church that won't tick you off every week! I'm just sick of us saying we're one thing and then living a completely different life. What a waste of time! Pick something! If you're gonna follow Jesus, then do it! Stop trying to have the best of both world because living on the fence sucks and then you actually get the worst of both worlds.

----deep breath....ahhhhhh----

so what was I saying? Oh yes...today. The band was awesome again...but it wasn't the typical awesome...they sounded great but today was the first time where we had one of those "worship moments" where people were connecting with God and God was connecting with people and you could feel it. It was one of those times where there was hardly any music playing and the air was almost heavy. Nothing weird or hokey...just God speaking to people and vice versa...it was very refreshing. I haven't had one of those experiences in a long time and it almost felt like a weight was being lifted off my back. Kudos to the guys for being sensitive enough to let God take the stage and not hoard the limelight.

I'm stoked for Easter. I don't know what will happen but it's gonna be good. We don't have any tricks up our sleeves except a full band. I'm not a fan of putting on a huge show and then having people come back the next week to see something super lame because we spent all our resources for the "Big Day". We are who we are and that's what guests see every week and that's what they'll get this week. It's the following week that will be different as we won't be doing what we usual do on a Sunday. We are still in the works of deciding what is best to do but I just want to encourage you to have an open mind and broaden your horizon of what Sunday morning can look like.

If there's anything you do this week...please stop playing "God games" and get serious about "what you are about". If it's God...then let it be him with everything you are. Start living the mission wherever you find yourself.

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