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Thursday, April 20, 2006 

Everything is moving ahead!

I signed the contract for the theater yesterday...all in all they are being incredibly generous with us. Most times their digital projector needs to be rented out for an arm and a leg and they are giving it to us for free as well as giving us a smoking deal (from my perspective) on the rent.

Last night I had a talk with my sister in law about the kids side of things and she on board. She is phenomenal with kids so I'm stoked. The only pitfall could be that she has a full time job as a daycare director. I just have to be careful not to overwork her while we're still in the volunteer stage. Eventually, I'd love to pay all of the staff.

The Board from my current church approved the finance end of things last night. They are still up in the air as far as monthly support goes but when it comes to allowing the committed families to start tithing to TXC they were all in. They have also committed to support me with a generous salary until Next April which will help us out tremendously. When that time rolls around, we'll reassess the situation to see if we need further support or not.

I have about 13 couples that are going to be meeting next Saturday for an informational meeting regarding the launch team. These are all super quality people (some in their own way) so I'm excited. Even if half of them commit for right now I'll be happy. The ball is rolling.

I still can't believe how this is shaking down. This dream is turning into a reality so fast it scares me. And yet, I have this confidence that can't be communicated. I just know that God is behind all of this. This is going to be one crazy adventure. I know it's gonna be the hardest thing I've ever done. All I know is that I'm called and that God is behind the dream....

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