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Sunday, October 01, 2006 

A little bit choked

We got word today that one of the girls that worked with us at our last church as volunteer staff just lost her 1 year old in the middle of the night due to SIDS. It's this kind of stuff that you don't have an answer for. It starts to stir up the kinds of questions that David asked when he was being chased down by Saul. There is just no explanation. My friend that replaced me went over and saw them and said that they were just broken. No words can describe.

And to top it off, we just came back from SuperStore and there were hundreds of people lining the streets with signs that said "Abortion Kills" and "Jesus heals". No doubt they were Christians. What else would you expect? Do we seriously think that the women getting abortions don't know they are killing a baby? Just ask them five years down the road and they'll tell you the pain they experience every birthday that rolls around. So why on earth do we feel the need to sit around, holding signs thinking that we are doing something about it? It just gets me so fired up!

We are so stinkin' good at telling the world what we are against and how wrong they are! Why would they ever want to follow Jesus? You ask someone what Christians are for and they would probably be stumped. You ask them what Christians are against and they could ramble off a massive list.

I've posted about this before so as you can see, it's a little bit of a sore spot for me. I've known what I'm against as a Christian forever. Now that I'm older, I don't care what I'm against. In fact, I don't care what everyone else is against either. My good buddy James said that when you are trying to sell something, you never tell your buyer what your product isn't. You always tell them what it is.

So here's my question: If we say abortion kills and we are so confident that these signs are going to do the trick, what are doing about it at the next level? Where are the Christians that getting their hands dirty and putting their money where their mouths are, so to speak. How many Christians do you know that work in clinics to coach women through the rough times of deciding weather or not they should get an abortion? Or maybe even people that adopt babies that would have been aborted had they not stepped in and actually done something about what they say they believe? We may know some, but those that talk far out number those that act. Why is this? Could it be that the Jesus we follow is against more than He is for?

One last thought: Jesus never lambasted "sinners" like we do. He never put on his sandwich board and walked the streets screaming into his megaphone that everyone was going to hell if they didn't get saved. In fact, he invaded the space of the "sinners". He ate in their homes. He laughed with them. He became their friend. Tell me what he did with the Pharisees? That's right. Got in their face and put them in their place. He heart broke for those that were disconnected from His Father. He knew that protesting wouldn't cut it. He had to get to know these people. He had to swallow his pride and turn his belief into action.

So the parting question of the day is: If Jesus walked down South Fraser Way today, what would be running through his mind?

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