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Tuesday, December 19, 2006 

The power of generosity

At our staff meeting last night I brought up the fact that the last time I was in super store I suddenly felt this "urge" to buy 5 $10 gift cards so that we would have them in our van and could use them whenever we saw someone to give one to. I said this just to illustrate the point that it's super easy to forget to think about others, especially around Christmas. It's easy to think about 'our' family but when it comes to someone elses' family, our mind draws a blank. (Is it just me?)

Anyways, I guess I was saying this a little bit loud and a couple sitting at a table behind us was eaves dropping. When they got up to leave, the woman came over to our table, dropped down $50 and told us to buy 5 for her and give them away! I couldn't believe it! I have no idea who this woman is or anything. Generosity is more contagious than we know. In fact, I think that generosity is the primary action of love (Love is a verb...not a noun) and if people are going to know us by our love, I think we need to learn our to be generous.

Then today I dropped off our second to last payment on our sound system. In the envelope I included a $100 gift card to the keg. Now, we have given this guy more than enough money for our sound system. But because he has been so good in letting us pay it off over a period of months instead of days, we wanted to bless him. When he opened the envelope his jaw dropped. He was literally as giggly as a school boy. He's said that he's never had a 'client' do that before and that usually it's the other way around. And I agree...it is backwards. People just don't give stuff away like that...especially to someone that doesn't "deserve" it.

Don't take this the wrong way. I don't say this to brag in the least about how good we are. However, I do say it to brag about the power of generosity. It really does work. I believe it has the potential to change our city and surrounding area. It is so contagious and as we give people will see Jesus

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