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Wednesday, November 29, 2006 

Caught in a blizzard

Friday is the big day and I'm counting down the seconds. Our house is a complete disaster zone right now and I'm going completely insane. Every where I turn there is either a box, a toy or a McDonald's wrapper (we've eaten enough Mcdonalds to clog our arteries for the next few years...who want to cook when everything is packed away?).

On top of that it snowed quite a bit more than was anticipated. Last time I blogged I think there was 5cm and I think we ended up getting 17inches. So needless to say from the 5cm - 17 inches there has been a lot of mayhem ensuing in these parts. I heard a guy say that this is the most snow that we've gotten in one dump since 1952!? That's pretty lame if it's true. Anyways, because our house is at the top of a 600ft, 45degree driveway, I'm a little nervous about getting this Uhaul truck up without falling over the edge. (Dead serious, there's a 90 degree turn in the middle of this sucker and if you slide in the slightest, you're over the edge...you can see when we invite you over some time)

This could end up being an interesting weekend seeing our gathering is on Sunday as well. Hopefully I don't forget to get anything figured out in the midst of the flurry of events going on. I'm so stoked to hear about all the different people that are saying they're coming back, calling this their church home and inviting their friends who don't go to church. That is what we are all about. I'm not too sure if we can stop people from coming to our church from another church (unless they leave on bad terms...then it's definitely a no go) but that is definitely not a part of our vision. As far as I'm concerned, if people are just transferring over and we're not seeing anyone get connected to Jesus that previously wasn't, something is seriously wrong. Yes, we are on a journey, but at some point the journey without Jesus ends and the journey with Jesus begins. ANYWAYS, (I'm rambling...again) the whole leadership team is stoked.

If you're coming...see you Sunday!

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