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Sunday, January 28, 2007 


Today was a good day at TXC's Sunday gathering. We saw tons of new faces and just had a plain 'ol good time. The band killed it again (just for those of you that aren't down with emerging language..."killed it" is a really good thing - haha). I think I managed to redeem last weeks' talk with todays. Go figure, I talked about money and generosity...usually a touchy subject but people were stoked afterwards. We showed the miniature earth video and it was surprising to see how many hadn't seen it before.

Upstream Kids was at capacity today with the amount of volunteers we have. So we've got a few options:

1. Rent a theatre for the kids.
2. More people start helping out so we can contain them all
3. Rent a theatre and have more people start helping out so we can grow even bigger.

Renting a theatre costs more money every week so we have to factor that in as well. Our dream has been to expand into the theatre's once we had enough kids to pull it off. We do now, we just may not have the man power to pull it off. So if you're reading this and are a part of TXC and are wanting to help out in whatever way you can, we've got your dream job! You can check it out for a week as an observer and just see how things are run. After that, you are only committed for a semester (spring). From there we can see how things go. ***end of shameless plug.

It's a good challenge to have. It means something's happening. It means kids are loving it and learning incredible truths as well (if you know Tina, you know what I'm talking about). These kids are learning at a level that they will fully understand and be able to begin applying what they learn right away.

All I gotta say is this is a God thing. Like I said today and you've heard me say it before (and it's true), we don't have special powers to make this kinda stuff happen. It's not normal (I don't think at least). Some may say that Mission is a part of the Canadian Bible belt...I don't think that's true. I do think people are spiritually aware here. They just aren't into the hardcore legalistic junk they grew up with. Most people that come in that haven't ever been to church or haven't been in a really long time ask something like "Is this for real?" or "Are you allowed to that?" They are craving life. Like I said before, it gets me amped to see people who aren't Christians coming on Sunday and inviting their friends who aren't Christians because there is something that they are drawn to. They are spiritually ready.

We're on the verge of an outbreak. Can't wait to see who gets infected...

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