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Tuesday, February 06, 2007 

Getting the flywheel moving

Up until tonight I was apprehensive to whether we should start our undercurrents yet. It just didn't feel right but I read a quote by someone that basically said "Good leaders don't wait until everything is perfect". When I read that I realized that I was just being a wimp and I needed to move ahead even though I didn't have all the answers yet.

So we called a little shindig at our house and invited whoever was interested to come out and chat. We ended up having just enough people before our house would have been crowded out and the vibe and energy was awesome. It was so good to see people connecting with each other that may have seen each other on a Sunday but just hadn't had a way to connect yet. We don't really have a game plan yet but we got people to sign up if they wanted to just attend, host or lead an undercurrent so now we will get in contact with those people and go from there. I think there were around 6 or 7 people interested so that's a really good place to start from.

It'll be really cool to see these people on Sunday now that they know a whole bunch of new people. It makes all the difference in the world when you start to network with others versus staying in isolation. That was the whole purpose of our "rant" on Sunday, to communicate the need we have for community.

I'm really excited to see where this is going to go. It's the future of our church and I'm glad that I decided to just shake off my insecurity and take the risk.

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