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Tuesday, February 06, 2007 

What is deep?

I've just got a question? When someone says that you aren't a "deep" enough teacher, what does that mean? Does "deep" require you to talk about the end times and whether or not we are going to be raptured before the tribulation or not? I could go on but you get the idea...it seems that "deep" to some people is the discussion of meaningless stuff because what it does is allows them to remain in their disobedience. They haven't figured out that what the Bible is really all about is seeing the Kingdom of God rule on earth and that you can't go any deeper than that.

As far as I'm concerned, if we follow Jesus and are trying to live lives that follow His example and standard, we are going to be deep. We can sit around and argue about the impossibility of the trinity or we can actually start contagiously living out our faith. I'll pick #2 everytime! I really do believe that if we could just learn how to follow Jesus, a revolution would take place. I think the problem is that we like our lives too much to wanna give any of it up.

Bottom line: We preach Jesus...if he's not deep enough for you...talk to our relocation specialist! He'll find you a church that will be everything you ever wanted it to be!

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