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Friday, June 08, 2007 

The creative team

One of my dreams is to have a creative team that maps out our series' and adds the creative elements to them. With our lead team mapping out the next year's worth of big ideas next week, they will have some huge lead time in prepping for a series that is 3-5 months away. My ideal is to have 2-3 teams of 2-4 people that plan out a series that is 3-5 months away.

For example, in September we would meet together one night and begin planning out the details for the series we will do around Christmas time. Initially this could mean that we meet a few more times so we can plan out Sept, Oct, and Nov and get ahead of the game.

In these teams would potentially be people that oversee the props, video, drama, visual art, digital art, music (i.e. when we used daughtry's "It's not over" for our marriage talk a few months back), object lessons/take aways, etc. The list could go on and on.

This is still a dream right now but I'd like to start moving towards making it a reality. Maybe we won't have enough people to make multiple teams so we start with one, I'm not sure. All I know is that I don't have enough creative energy to come up with things for every series. We are trying to plan our summer series (beatitudes) now and we're coming up blank. (If you have any creative ideas, let us know)

My hope is that come Sept, we can at least have one team off the ground. If this is you (the creative type) and you wanna use some of that energy to make our Sunday gatherings more creative, let me know and we'll try and get you connected in right away!

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