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Saturday, August 18, 2007 

Equilibrium...at last!

Today is a glorious day! I know this will sound petty but it has been incredibly frustrating! I'm a self professed computer geek (don't know much about them but like sitting in front of them) and a huge part of that is internet. However, for the last 9 months we've had dialup because for that whole time we believed that we weren't able to get it. Our connection speed is 26.4kbps. (For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, if you have high speed internet, your connection speed is usually 100mbps. If you notice the 'k' and the 'm'...that's the huge difference and it basically means that I suck and you rock!)

Telus said no and our landlord said Shaw was also a no go. Well, the other day I lost it and decided that I would give shaw a try "just to see for myself". And to my delightful surprise, the lady on the other end made my day by saying it will be all done on the 27th!

Now, if you knew where I live, it may make more sense why this is so good. We basically live out in the sticks in the backwoods of Mission. Bek just got a new job and is now working in Abby 4 days a week and taking the van with her. This leaves me on our mountain stranded...with dialup. With trying to work from home this has been just ridiculous. I've basically been able to get to a coffee shop one day a week where I frantically try and get all of my internet stuff done as quickly as possible so it doesn't get left for another week.

I now feel normal! (almost) Bek and I love our basement suite. It was incredible that we got it in the first place but the one thing that we were both choked about was the fact that we couldn't (at least that's what we thought) get highspeed. Now this is our dream house (minus the 'our').

Anyways...it's over dramatic and over the top but for those of you that know me...it's nothing new.

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