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Thursday, July 26, 2007 


Read this post and go to the website to understand the context of this post.

The only "really nice" car I've owned was one I actually never owned. It was a '98 Neon and my parents "bought" it for me for a year and said I had to take the payments over after that. I ended up getting married so just prior to that, they took the car back after two months and gave us a '88 honda accord. Prior to the Neon I had an 11 passenger '87 gmc van given to me that was an absolute piece of crap that cost me a fortune in gas to run. After the '88 accord we bought a '92 civic in our first year of marriage and then 3 years ago we traded it in for a '99 chevy venture minivan. And the whole time...I've wished I could have a sweet ride.

Why is that? What is it in me that has this need to own a really nice vehicle so people can look and me and think I'm a really cool person? The fact is that my minivan is awesome and suits our family just great. But it definitely isn't cool. I don't care how much you try and justify the "cool factor" in owning a minivan. If that's you, we may be able to help out with you getting some professional help!

JCC stands for "Junky Car Club" and it's an effort to get people to drive cars that are less expensive and don't require high payments equal to a month's worth of rent so that they can have more money to give away to those that need it! What a novel concept! The irony of it all is that the junkier your car...the cooler you are! But the idea is to have less so others can have more.

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