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Monday, June 12, 2006 

It's getting around

Word is getting around about our church. I was out for coffee today with Vaughn and Amy (who works at the Starbucks in mission - hey, if you are reading this) over heard me talking so boistrously about the vision of the church (boistrous is nothing new for me when I'm passionate about something). Anyways, I gave her the church website and maybe I'll run into her again in Starbucks -- seeing it will be my office in a few months. The fact that some evesdropping got someone excited about the church is rad in my opinion. Maybe I should talk louder next time -- haha.

Right after coffee I went over to Save On Foods to talk with the manager about doing a free BBQ on their Patio in July. I told him that we were starting a church in SilverCity but I don't think he heard me. He proceeded to suggest that maybe it may be a better idea to do it outside of our church. I then proceeded to recall to his memory that I had just told him we were starting the church in SilverCity and he got the confuzzled look on his face and told that that was the oddest thing he'd ever heard. He then told me that he didn't see a problem with that and his attitude basically said "I don't understand why a church would meet in a theater but it sounds cool and I don't know why they would do a free BBQ and pay to give people a free meal, but it sounds cool." So at this point, I'm excited. I think that there is going to be some heavy buzz starting up in regards to this church. People in this area just aren't familiar with church in a theater - even though it's a super popular thing in different places. They hear about it and their curiosity is automatically piqued. This region is loaded with churches and most of them are doing the same thing. Even though we aren't doing this for shock value, I think people are shocked but excited about a fresh approach to church. I know I am.

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