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Friday, June 09, 2006 

Am I sure?

I've been thinking over the past few days about the future of our new church and how it's going to look. I've been challenged to rethink our strategy and we've been starting to implement some of those ideas. I've also been challenged to rethink the structure of the church and consider if the traditional model is the right road for us to take. And even though I can see the validity in moving away from some of the form, I still see value in it. I definitely think there needs to be a philosophy shift in the mind of Christians about what their role is in the world and maybe the form of how we gather does need to change to help facilitate that shift.

At this point, I feel like we are supposed to be doing both. we need to continue meeting in the traditional way we have in the past(we'll be in a movie theater which tends to promote spectating) but shift our understanding of how we should act as the church at the same time. I still dream of having a highly creative sunday morning gathering where we can have fun together, dream together and be sent out together. I still dream of seeing us more fully understanding what our role is as the church (the people). That we would embrace the call to live incarnationally, bringing Jesus into every crack and crevice of the culture we live in. That sunday wouldn't be the end of the week but the beginning.

I fully understand that this is gonna be a hard thing to accomplish, but heck, at least it's gonna be an adventure.

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