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Saturday, June 10, 2006 

Who is the church for?

This is a question that I've been thinking about for a while and I think the question has to streams to it: the church gathered and the church scattered. When we get together on a Sunday morning, what is the point? Is it just to have a good time, sing some songs (without fighting about style and noise level of course), hear some good teaching, eat some good (but fat filled) food and go home? Does it exist to build us up and encourage us? Does it exist to run a program for every age group in the church, sometimes 3 or more each? Does it(the building) exist to be open 24/7 so people can come and pray, thus being shielded from the fiery darts of the evil one? Does it exist as a type of Christian ghetto were we can develop our own culture and language so we feel better about ourselves? (Sorry for the sarcasm...I'm just speaking from where I am right now). I think some of these things are good to a degree. The problem that I see is that the church gathered hardly becomes the church scattered.

The church gathered does not exist for itself! It can't. If it does, it's not a true church. The church gathered exists so that it can better be the church scattered. It does not work when we check our "church card" at the door when we leave on Sunday. If that's all that happens, we may as call ourselves a club and get on with life cause I'm just wasting my time by thinking I'm making a difference by attending church.

The church exists for the searching. You are the church. I am the church. There is no way around that and it just chaps me when we get all caught up in arguing and bickering about things that are Christian cultural preferences. They are not life or death issues affecting a world that won't experience the life and freedom that we have. It's all pettiness. Yes I know blue jeans offend people. Yes I know some people have sensitive ears. Yes I know some people think that moving backgrounds are demonic. That's fine. But if someone has the audacity to voice their opinion about something like this but can't make one friend that doesn't follow Jesus...I'm not sure I have time to listen.

Everything we do needs to point us towards the searching. Bottom line. No questions. No arguments. No apologies. The TXC bus will be headed in the direction of the searching.

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