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Saturday, July 22, 2006 

Ever seen

A dude wearing hot pink cargo pants? I caught my first glimpse today and I gotta say it was hot! (those that know me will understand that pink on guys gets my gag reflexes going nice and good)

Despite that nasty show of indecency, I've learned something about fashion from this Festival. I undestand that not all te people here are from Mission but there is a large majority that are. And I've noticed that noone gives a rip what anyone else is wearing. There is no competition with regards to fashion. If anything it's a competition to be the least fashionable. For some it's a competition to see who can wear the least (gag). It's made me question whether or not I'm obsessed with brands. I've tried to argue that brands are better quality than no name stuff thus lasting longer in the long run. To some degree it's true but to the other degree it's not.

If there is one thing I've realized over the last few years is that everyone is insecure...EVERYONE. The people who say they aren't are usually the ones with the biggest problems. Kinda like the one that goes around advetising that they are humble...it just doesn't work. So I've had to come to the place of admitting that I've got insecurities...some bigger than others I know. So the question remains, what do we do with these insecurities? Is it possible to get rid of them? Is it possible to be a fully secure person? Is it possible that those who don't wear brands are just as insecure as those that do?

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