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Saturday, August 12, 2006 

Long week

Well, my time as a bachelor is finally coming to an end! And I won't miss it for one second. I haven't been on here this week because I've been addicted to the first season of Prison Break on DVD. I heard all the raves about it but didn't get how they could make a show of some cons breaking out of prison that interesting. However, I must say they did a phenomenal job. I've been glued to the couch.

A little update on our housing situation: our landlords are letting us stay. So that is quite a relief. Life can go on as it has for the last few months. It won't be the same as living in Mission, but it will have to do.

On Wed. we ordered the sound system and today we bought a new drum kit for our church plant. The bills keep on coming in and the money hasn't yet but we are confident that because this is God's dream he has a plan that is going to play out in the near future.

I had a conversation with one of my good friends last night and we were talking about the finances and I brought up one of our core values, Life Altering Adventure. I really believe that comfort is one of the biggest enemies of any Christian and we all say we have faith in God and yet, many of us never do anything that requires us to have faith in him. We desperately want the ethos of our church to be one where failure is never an option. One where we are taking risks that are so huge that God is required to be at the middle of it in order for it to succeed. I want everyone who is in leadership to be able to step out on the limb and experiment with new ways of doing things. I want the people in our church to live their lives contagiously where the people around them can't help but see their faith in God.

After that conversation we went back to my house and I got a phone call from another guy I know and he said that he wanted to help pay for the drums. I couldn't have asked for a better way to illustrate exactly what I was talking about. God came through then and I know he will in the future. He has to cause if he doesn't, we're done!

Did I mention I can't wait for my wife and kids to come home?

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