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Wednesday, December 27, 2006 

Sweet relief

ahhhh...sweet relief. I arrived at my inlaws today but on our way over here I had a thought that ticked me off. I forgot to bring my wireless router so I could use my laptop for the days that we're here (an unknown amount of time at this point so this is CRUCIAL!) But to my surprise, when we showed up I found out my sister in law has a wireless router and my brother in law was hooking it up. If you don't have dial up internet you have NO idea what I'm talking about and can't feel my pain:) Needless to say, I've been on my laptop non-stop. No joke. It's my new drug of choice (high speed that is). I've got access at my office (City Blends) but they don't have it password protected so I think there are too many people jumping on it so it's super slow and sometimes I can't even connect it's so slow. Anyways, this vacation is off to a good start!

I guess I can't really call this a vacation because this last few months have been pretty lax for me. And seeing that we launch in 2.5 weeks I can't really take a vacation. I've got too much stuff to get done in these next few weeks to be over here in the first place but what can you do. I'll be writing messages and designing graphics and thinking through our next series that we launch in February. It's called "The Naked Truth" and yes, the emphasis is on "naked" but it's the truth about naked...haha...

I am getting so stoked about the launch of TXC. It's been a long time coming. Our original launch date was Jan.'08 and with a series of different events it got bumped up a year. My old senior pastor from our sending church asked me, with what I know now, if I could have waited another year to launch and I honestly don't think I could have. It's like a fire burning in me that I can't put out. It consumes my thoughts all the time...everything I see and hear I'm relating to the church and how they relate. I believe with all my heart that God has brought this about for this time in this place. There is so much that has been impossible but it has happened (I still can't figure out how we got our stinkin' sound system paid off!)

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