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Tuesday, May 29, 2007 

It's time to grow...

I just sat down and started to map out how we are going to achieve one of our more immediate dreams of growing to 1,000 people in the next 5 years. To be honest, when I thought about it prior to writing it down, it seems impossible. But now that I see how it could come together, it's definitely something that we can work towards in full confidence that, if this is what God wants for us and if he is the driving force behind it, we will see our dream become reality. Now I've got to sit down and map out how we will attain each of our stages in that growth. It's one thing to hope it will happen, it's another thing to plan for it to happen.

The interesting thing is that we were talking at our lead team meeting last night and Donovan brought up the fact the he really believes that we are going to have 50 new people become a part of our faith community this summer. If that was to happen, we'd be 1 year ahead of our yearly goals. And if you know anything about church life in the summer, that just doesn't happen, especially in a church our size. And because we are so new, we can be a little obscure to the people moving into town. But we've got this ridiculously insane idea that we will grow this summer.

It's funny...the church seems to be the only establishment that likes to justify why it shouldn't grow. Healthy things grow...maybe not over night, but they grow. We are working at getting healthier as the days go by and as we do that, I believe we'll grow. Not with people coming from other churches but with people that have either never been connected to Jesus or it's been a really long time since they've given him a chance.

It's out there...I know. But one of my motto's is "attempt to do things that are destined to fail if God doesn't step in".

We're praying like crazy that God steps in.

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