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Monday, May 14, 2007 

The future looks bright!

Got an email from someone in our church and the gist of it went like this

"I WANNA HELP! I WANNA HELP!...just tell me where you need me the most and I'm there...this is the church that I've chosen to tithe to...thank God there is somewhere for me to come on Sundays that speaks my language..."

I'm telling you, this is music to my ears. It's awesome to have someone who is excited and also willing to contribute to making the experience just as great for the next person who will join us for the first time.

We just started a series on Sunday called the Domino Effect and we're exploring the idea that it's impossible for us to live our lives in isolation. That it's inevitable that the decisions we make today are going to affect someone tomorrow whether we like it or not.

Yesterday we took a very real and hard look at where we are as a church. We looked at our vision for the future and where we were financially. It was a hard look because we are about 50% short each month of our small projected budget. We have some buffer because of some generous gifts that others have given over the last few months. But I don't want to be the church that can't get anything done because we always financially strapped. So we thought as a leadership team that we needed to make everyone aware of where we were. We challenged everyone to ask themselves if they were a spectator or if they were a contributor. Was this church just something they consumed and went to or was it a part of them...something they were? These are hard questions but our future depends on our answers. We are in a crucial stage right now as we go into the summer where we have got to band together and make TXC what it is going to be and not just wait for someone else to do it.

So in light of the strong challenge, getting this email and hearing other reports of how everything was recieved was a huge encouragement. Just to know that people actually believe that TXC is theirs and that the future depends on our willingness to see it become a reality, which often has hard work attached to it. We continue the series this week and I am excited to see what happens as we look at the body and which part we are.

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