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Monday, May 14, 2007 

Are we up for the challenge?

We had an interesting conversation at our Lead Team meeting tonight. From each of our experience, churches in this area typically decrease in attendance/involvement/giving during the summer. People are away, at the beach, sleeping in, etc. Our question was do most churches slow down because it "just" happens or do they slow down because they expect it to happen or even make it happen? Is it possible that our expectations produce the results that we are expecting?

When I was a youth pastor, this was our mode of doing things. Hit it hard during the school year and take a break in the summer. Then in September, try and revive the thing again.

But what would happen if we were to actually ramp everything up in the summer? What if we were more focused in our connections area that as guests showed up they were even more blown away by our friendly atmosphere than they were during the previous few months? What if worship was even more creative and passionate? What if our creative and interactive elements to our gatherings had even more energy put into them? What if we actually grew and saw more people reconnected to Jesus in the summer than we've seen yet?

We're about to find out!

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