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Monday, May 28, 2007 


What I've realized over this last couple of weeks is that I don't know much. I've already made some mistakes in conversations with people and said some fairly stupid things that have put me right in the same category as every other pompous pharisee out there. I've realized that I'm impatient and I like to see people change very quickly. I think it gives me sense of accomplishment, like what I do as a pastor is justified because people's lives are being changed, even if it is with an iron fist. I'll give you a week to change instead of the lifetime that all the rest of us require. I tend to forget that there is a process...a type of walking towards Jesus. It's the process of becoming and that takes long for some than others.

What I'm not saying is that I'm good with everyone doing whatever they want, whenever they want. I can't be okay with that as a pastor because the Bible is my, and it should be our, compass for how we live our lives. I won't stop preaching the cross and that Jesus is the only person that can ever change our lives the way we need, and crave for, them to be changed.

What I am saying is that I need God to give me more patience with others. I need his mercy. I tend to be a very black and white person and all of you black and white types of people are cheering because you're the same way. But that isn't necessarily always a good thing. I'm not wanting that part of me to go away...I just need some balance. My tendency is to say "Choose God or don't...if you don't why are you coming to church and seeking God" In essence, if you don't want him...take a hike. That's a wrong attitude and that's something God's been showing me this last little while.

The reality is that we are all sitting in those seats on Sunday with things in our lives that aren't what God wants for us. So if we all took my challenge seriously, no one would be there next week. Yes, we all need to check ourselves to see where we are. But there's no need to bail on God because we aren't perfect. What I've failed to see is that someone can come to church, have stuff in their lives that is totally opposite to what God wants for them and still have this desire deep down inside of them to know who God is. It's that desire that I want to harness and be a catalyst to fan into flame.

I'm not saying it's okay to live your life however you want and I won't preach that. I'll preach the truth and it will more than likely hurt at times. But if that's what you choose to do, I want have the patience to walk with you and encourage that pursuit of God, having faith that, after I've preached the truth, He will reveal Himself to you and guide you to the place that you need to be in your life.

Please don't think I'm discouraged and down and out...I'm not. I'm just revealing a part of my journey of becoming who Jesus created me to be. Sure it's tough when I have to face who I really and not who I think I am. But it's good. The future is looking good and I know that I'm just being refined right now so that I'm more prepared for what is coming in the future. The ultimate conclusion of these last few weeks is that this is God's church. He is the one that will cause it to grow. We just have do whatever we know how to do to the best that we know how and to be willing to let him have us, change us and use us in the ways that he needs to in order to see this part of the world turned upside down

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