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Thursday, June 21, 2007 

It's worth it

I went out for coffee with a guy tonight that came to our sunday gathering for the first time 3 weeks ago. I talked to him that first sunday and he said that out of all the churches he's visited since being back from leading YWAM in New Zealand, TXC was the first one where he hasn't felt awkward. And he's a Christian! I find that odd and sad that even Christians are feeling awkward going to church...imagine how someone who doesn't go to church feels?!

It's always refreshing to talk to someone who gets "it". "It" being our mission as the Church. That it's not about us (even though in my earlier post I expressed that I sometimes want everything to be about me - I try for that to be the exception rather than the rule). It's always easy to tell when people are only interested in consuming. This guy isn't a consumer. He's a contributer. You can tell by the hunger in his eyes. He wants to be a part of something that's gonna make a difference. Something that isn't just about feeling warm and fuzzy. Something that isn't about feeding fat Christians but seeing mature followers of Jesus that actually care about the world around them and are willing to do something about it.

I was telling someone else today that because we don't have an office to meet in and, more so, the fact that all our staff are volunteers (one day...soon...I hope), it's easy to get lonely and feel isolated during the week. I think even the other staff feel like that. We can encourage each other when we are connected. Share dreams more readily. Have some interaction about our real passion...the church.

And so it's conversations like these that amp me up. They remind me that what we are doing is making a difference. That people ARE being reconnected to Jesus (And lots of them are Christians!).

It's conversations like these that make it all worth it!

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