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Wednesday, June 13, 2007 


Two things have begun around the Richardson house hold in the last few weeks. Riley has gotten way more strong willed and just wants to do his own thing, like running away or doing things 5 more times after he's been told not too (typical 3 year old i guess). As well, he's started asking the question that every parent dreads "Why?" This question is being asked about everything! The worst part about it is the fact that he'll ask why after you've explained something to him the first time he asked why.

For example "Riley, stop standing on that chair while it's spinning around in circles".


"Because, you could fall off the chair and hurt yourself"


What do you say to that? I've found myself just saying the thing I swore I'd never say...

"Because I said so!"

It's got me to thinking though. I wonder how God feels when we just won't stop asking why?
God could explain the answer to us a million times and I'm sure we'd still ask why? Does he get to the point of wanting to say "Because I said so!"?

The thing with Riley is that I can see the danger he's going to get into if he continues down the path he's headed down. Our tables have razor sharp edges on them and the thought of him splitting his head open on it makes me sick. I don't want him to get hurt.

God sees into the future and knows that what we are doing is stupid. He sees the consequences and his heart is for us not to get hurt. It's just that we have this tendency to push it. To see how far we can actually get without getting burnt. And then when we get burnt, we ask "Why?"

I'm learning that I have to trust God. I just have to let go of my life. I've got a picture of where I want to be and what I want to do and how it should all turn out. But in the end, no matter how many times I ask why, God is still God - I'm not - and he has a dream for my life that is far beyond anything that i could ever come up with.

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