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Wednesday, August 29, 2007 

boats, sweat and the mission

On Sunday we hauled a boat into the theatre and I ended up preaching from the boat as it balanced on top of the lower level chairs. It was something I've never done before and it kept people on edge the whole time as they thought I was going to tip the thing over. We just started a series on Jonah so it fit great. It will stay there for the next 3 weeks as we keep adding more elements to the set that fit the theme each week. For instance, this week we will have a live beluga whale if we can successfully "borrow" one at 3am this Friday from the Vancouver Aquarium! This kind of stuff keeps everything interesting and people don't know what to expect. It contributes to the whole experiential learning environment that we are trying to create.

However, these things we are trying to use mean absolutely nothing on their own. The only thing that makes doing this type of stuff worthwhile is the fact that we are seeing people's lives changed. People are getting re:connected to Jesus and that's what we are all about. The stories of what God is doing inside of people is incredible! I really do believe that we have just seen the tip of the iceberg. The places where people are coming from in their lives and finding Jesus blows my mind. It proves to me that Jesus is still relevant. People that have lived their lives with no care in the world when it comes to matters of God are suddenly having a real wake up call and starting to explore.

So if boats and whales and working harder and sweating more at 7am on Sundays is going to reconnect more and more people to Jesus...I'm all in!

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