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Wednesday, April 26, 2006 

Launch Team Gathering

Saturday can't come fast enough. It's our first "intro to the launch team" gathering. Basically I have 10-12 couples that are coming together to hear the detailed vision of The CrossCurrent (TXC). 4 of those couples are already in. Once this meeting takes place I'd like everyone to pray about it and see what they feel God say to them. Regardless of who chooses to go all in, we are going to be meeting every Sunday @ 6pm starting May 7. These will be times of vision clarification, walking through our core values, reading and working through the book "7 practices of effective ministry" and praying our guts out. We could end up with 5 couples initially. That's okay. We've got the worship, kids and speaking taken care of.

I should also mention that I've had a couple say that they would like to be a part of the church as well as give financially to the launch. This amount being thrown around is a substantial sum and would take care of our launch completely and then some. So I'm busy praying that the things they need to go through in order for this to happen...go through. And fast. 5 months is peanuts. The biggest thing on our plate is the sound system which is estimated around $25,000. We'll have to see what God has up his sleeve.

We are in the process of getting a website developed which I'm quite pleased with so far. It's a flash site and seeing we are using a movie theater as our meeting space, the site is the inside of a theater. Seeing websites are the new front door, I figure I'd like ours to accurate reflect who we are. I want people to have a theater church experience before they even step foot in our theater church.

I decided on a logo.

It's nothing too flashy but it gets across the message that we're trying to convey. The two things we will change is the arrows will be blue (symbolizing the currents) and the background will be a darker grey. We wanted the logo to communicate what our name is about, living in the crosscurrent that is created when the kingdom of God collides with kingdom of the world. All in all, things are moving ahead.

I'm still on staff at my current church as the youth pastor but I'm am quickly transitioning out and passing the baton to Eric, the guy we hired in January as an associate youth pastor. Little did I or he know at the time that this would be happening. Crazy God adventures. My senior pastor is awesome. He is being so gracious with everything. My salary for a year with a review at the end of that year. Permission to ask people from the church to come (I'm handpicking these people...no sign up lists) I'm looking forward to building a stronger relationship with him through this whole thing.

Where life is meant to be lived TXC online
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