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Friday, May 19, 2006 

Awesome theater manager

We've been trying to figure out how we are going to store all of our equipment with us having church in a theater and all. So far the solution has been to buy a trailer and just load and unload it every week. We were prepared to do that but I figured I'd shoot in the dark and ask the manager of the theater if there was any space where we could store our stuff. He then proceeded to show me a room under the stairs of the theater that we may be able to use that was fairly small but would do the trick. Then he took me over to this other room which he said no one used that much. It was huge! We won't need even a quarter of it but the fact that we get to store our stuff there is incredible! It will save so much time and headache each week. I can't believe it. I'm telling you, this dude is gonna get the socks blessed off of him. He won't know what even hit him!

Everything just seems to be falling into place. Now all we need is a whole wack load of cash so we can start right (at least start inside the theater and not out on the patio cause we don't have the money to pull it off!) I'm still confident that God will provide it.

I remember back to about 1.5 months ago and I was driving home from the church I'm at right now and I had this wave of faith sweep over me. I just started praying and blurted out "God, I know someone has this money and that they are looking for something to "invest" it in. Lead our paths to eachother." I've got 4 months to get this money. It will take care of our sound system, banners, website, drums, a year of rent in advance, and tons of other miscellaneous stuff. I'm just so glad that God is bigger than me and his dream is bigger than I can even imagine.

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