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Saturday, May 06, 2006 


I was reading from 1Cor.12 in my devotions this morning where Paul is talking about the fact that the Spirit gives certain gifts to people and not to others and vice versa. For some reason it made sense to me this morning. I've been a youth/young adults pastor for 7 years now and have preached every week for the most part of those 7 years. And the one thing I've always wanted to be was...funny. I got the bum wrap growing up as my brother is the funny guy and people are always gravitating towards him and telling me to "lighten up". Now I'm not sure if humour is a gift from the Spirit or if it's a personality thing (which I guess is a gift...) but I don't have it. It's not that I can't have a good time or laugh (at myself most of the time) it's just that I don't have that "on-the-spot-wit like some people do. So earlier in my mininstry days I would try and insert humor into my messages. Ya...that bombed. The worst is when you think a joke is soooooo funny and you tell it and you're laughing as you tell it and then no one laughs! I'd rather jump off the roof! So I've realized over the last few years that how I am wired is how I am wired. My strength is not in being Mr. FunnyGuy. My strength lies in Vision/Passion/Inspiration. I have found on occasion that my style turns humorous but only when it isn't planned. Those times I attribute to the Spirit using me in a different way for a purpose that is only known Him. I'm looking forward to leading my peers to contagiously follow Jesus with everything they are. Whether I'm funny or not, I'm clear as to who I am and for me, that's all that matters.

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