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Saturday, June 17, 2006 


So for the third time, I have left my good friend Dave hanging at IHOP waiting for me to show up. We are supposed to meet every second week for accountability and I have managed to make 2 of 5. Yes you heard that right. As a matter of fact, I should be there right now...but I'm not. I'm blogging about it instead. The story goes as follows...

11pm last night I decided to text Dave and just make sure he's still on. Obviously he was sleeping so I was just hoping he'd check his phone and confirm with me in the morning. 6:30am roles around and the construction crew behind our house fires up their equipment and decides that they would just love to make our blood boil. Bek gets up to feed emma, all the while she's furious. I hear her put emma back down, storm upstairs and head outside. I duck under my covers because I know exactly what she's doing. She picks the first worker she can find and demands to talk to the foreman of the job. Too bad he didn't speak English. She flies back inside and starts calling numbers to get SOMEBODY TO SHUT OFF THE STUPID MACHINES! Of course that didn't work.

In the meantime, I'm still lying in bed waiting for Dave to get back to me as the time creeps by very quickly and stressfully up to 8am. 7:50am roles around and I figure Dave is still sleeping so I consent to Bek's unceasing pleas to go garage saling (to be honest, I said yes because I didn't want to be at the brunt of her rage that should have been directed to the construction crew - I HATE GARAGE SALING! - just so you know.)

8:02am rolls around and Dave texts me telling me he's at IHOP. Wow! Doesn't that just make my day! First off, I've committed to going garage saling under the assumption that Dave was still sleeping - have I mentioned that I HATE GARAGE SALING?! Second, I've effectively stood Dave up 3 times and am getting quite good at it to be honest. I absolutely detest letting people down when I've committed to them. I could care less when they expect something of me when I haven't committed anything to them. But when I've committed, that's a different story.

Nonetheless, this day has started GREAT! It's 8:46am right now, I'm starving and we are out the door to buy some other dude's junk so that we can sell his junk (which will be ours in a few minutes) at our garage sale in a few years. What's one man's junk is another man's....junk. Let's just be honest. Wish me luck.

***Oh ya...the machines are still out there. Pray for the workers...they're gonna need it.

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