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Tuesday, April 24, 2007 

Who do I think I am?

I'm extremely disturbed right now. I just watched Blood Diamond and it made me sick to my stomach. It wasn't because I thought the movie was bad or the acting. It wasn't even the content of the movie (based on a true story). What disturbed me most is how stinkin' ignorant I am of the world around me. That my life is so wrapped up in our high class part of the world that most times I honestly don't care what's going on in other parts of the world and that is an extremely sad realization to come to...even as I sit here typing it out.

Part of our dream for TXC from the beginning is that we would make a positive impact that reaches into our community and across the world. It has to happen. It's so easy for me to get wrapped up in figuring out to be a pastor that I forget to be a human being that loves others just because I love them. That maybe I can love someone without some crazy agenda of getting them to come to our church. Why can't I love them because there is injustice being done to them and it's my duty as a fellow human being that lives in complete freedom to do something about it...anything.

This is only the tip of the iceberg of what's going on in my brain. Some would say this is guilt I'm feeling but I think it's God convicting me of the way I've been living my life. I believe that God has put me in Mission, right now, for a very specific reason. I believe that our influence is going to begin to reach into the corners of the earth and we're going to see some crazy amazing things take place that only God can accomplish...and I believe that he's going to start seeing them accomplished through us...now.

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