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Friday, May 04, 2007 

Checking In

Sorry for the long silence on this blog. My brain has not had a whole lot to say and then we went away this week to District Conference. It was a good chance for us to get away and just hang out as a family. We were all sick the whole time but we managed to still enjoy ourselves. However...It's so good to be back home. We slept like babies (literally and figuratively) last night and it's nice to wake up refreshed.

It's funny though...even when I go away, it's extremely hard for me to not think about our faith community...about the future...where we've come from and where we're headed. Asking the question, "How can we more effectively connect people to Jesus?"

This Sunday we finish up our series "upside down way of God" and I'm looking forward to it. It's been rough preparing for it seeing I was away this week and my head is totally cloudy from my cold but it is usually when I'm not in the picture that God gets to do stuff that he can only do.

I'm looking forward to our next series called "The Domino Effect". This is going to be a very challenging series. A couple weeks ago I was awake until 2 or 3 in the morning being convicted that I need to talk about some things regarding our faith community that may stir the pot a little bit. But if we don't go here, we may not get to the place where God wants us to be. Our dream is to influence and impact this city in a way that if we were to leave, people from our city would ACTUALLY miss us!

This series has some creative elements in it which I always enjoy. I can't wait till we can get to the place where every series is surrounded with creative elements. It helps me frame each gathering and it helps the point being communicated to resonate and make more sense to a wider range of people.

I'm excited to see where we are headed as a church! The future is as unknown to me as it is to the next person...but I love it. I love the fact that we have an idea of where we want to go but how we are going to get there is still a mystery. I love the fact that if we are going to accomplish everything we believe that God wants us to accomplish, He's gotta be at the forefront or it will fail.

So God, take the wheel of this ship! We are going into uncharted territory and I don't have a clue to get us through it except to listen to Your voice and go where you tell us to go. Some days it scares the snot out of me because my insecurities manage to rise to the surface and take control. But I know this is your dream. I'd be a fool to think that I could plant a church by my own ability and see it reach people. This is your church, not mine. It's about Your kingdom, not mine. These are Your people, not mine. I submit my dreams for what I think this church should look like. Take us where you want us to go...

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