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Wednesday, September 05, 2007 

A risk worth taking

When I was just a young punk (has that changed?) Mark Moody took a chance on me. I had just come out of a year of being pretty messed up and then God radically got a hold of me again. It was at this point that I was offered my first job as a youth director. No experience. No brains. Nothing. Just a 19 year old kid that knew God wanted him to do something with his life that pointed others to him as well.

For the next two years, I attempted to lead a youth group (the first of those years was alongside my best friend). When I think back it's actually quite frightening because I don't think I tried to learn anything from anyone that knew what they were doing. We just plowed ahead and hoped that it worked.

Part of the deal was that, for every year I worked, they would put aside $4k to go towards Bible college. After two years, my time was up and I left for Summit Pacific College.

I wish I could say that I left the place in running order, but in reality, it was a mess. I had no concept of leading other leaders. Nothing was structured or set up and the next few years were a time of picking up the pieces that I left laying on the floor!

What an encouraging story hey?!

I say all this because the person who took a chance on me came to TXC for the first time. Their encouraging words regarding their experience were much needed and were far more detailed that what I have written and were a total confirmation to what we have felt since the beginning.

In essence for him, it was a confirmation that the risk he took by taking me under his wing 10 years ago was well worth it in the end. I'm sure it frustrated him way more than he let on at the time but he kept on encouraging me and letting me make my mistakes.

It was kind of surreal speaking in front of him to be honest. He is known for his incredible preaching and to have him say how much he enjoyed it just blew me away. But it also challenged me to take risks on people, even when I think they are hopeless. I know I won't always have "success stories" where everything works out the way that I think it should, but that shouldn't stop me from seeing the potential in people and allowing them to develop and grow into the person God dreams for them to be.

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