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Sunday, September 09, 2007 

What's going on?

It's hard for me to put into words what's happening at TXC. There is this invisible vibe of crazy of anticipation that just isn't normal. My buddy came to check our worship gathering out for the first time and as I customarily do, I asked him what his experience was like. His response was kind of odd. He said he can "feel vision" in the place. What's funny is that to the rational mind, that doesn't make any sense. But it made complete sense to me! (what does that say about me?) He said that it feels like there is no limit to what could happen through TXC and that there was a feeling of actual belief that God was going to do something huge, not just a simple "I hope so". And all of this with no understanding of our vision or how we think. He also had no idea that we've had multiple people saying the exact same things. Scares the snot out of me AND gets my blood ripping through my veins at the same time!

The reality is that as a lead team...we are freaking crazy! We seriously believe that God can do something huge through TXC, in our community and across the world. I have no intention of leaving EVER and plan on investing every minute of the rest of my life to see our vision lived out.

We had our UnderCurrent leaders' meeting tonight. We are amped! We have some amazing leaders and are set to get this movement underway. We already launched in February but that was more of a test run and this is more like a re-launch and it's a little more intentional. At this point we have the potential to have around 50% of our church in an undercurrent for the next few months. Our goal is to get to 60-75% in the coming months. I think this is key for us strengthening the network of community and friendships that we've already seen building.

Needless to say, we're stoked for the coming days of TXC.

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